Friday, November 13, 2020

What Is a Trunnion Ball Valve?

 What Is a Trunnion Ball Valve?


The term "trunnion ball" refers to two different valves that are often combined in a single valve body, such as a diaphragm valve and a Trunnion valve. When both valves are used together, they are called trunnions.

 When the diaphragm valve has a single fixed stem at the bottom, it's a trunnion valve; when the trunnion is free to move inside the valve body, it's considered to be a floating valve. The trunnion of a floating valve moves freely because of friction, but the diaphragm is stationary, meaning the seal between the valve and the stem cannot actually be called the "single-side seal". This is because the trunnion of a floating valve actually belongs to both sides of this single-sided seal, since the trunnion of a floating valve is moving.

 Trunnion ball valves have traditionally been used in valve boxes and in industrial applications, including the assembly of valves for water treatment. A trunnion valve box consists of three layers: the top layer, which contain the diaphragm, and the next two layers (which are referred to as the sealing plates) are designed to prevent leakage by ensuring that the valve cannot become a trunnel. The trunnion of a trunnel valve box is the piece of metal that is located between the sealed walls of these walls, where the diaphragm attaches to the sealing plate. If you are wondering why a trunnel valve box, it's because the tunnel (a hollow tube through which water flows) is one of the key features of most types of industrial applications. 

One reason trunnel valves are used is because they don't have a tendency to leak or wear out. Many types of industrial applications require the use of trunnel valves because they are very effective at preventing leaks, and because they tend to be more durable than some other types of industrial valves. The trunnions of trunnel valve boxes are also very durable and resistant to corrosion, and they can last for a long time without wearing down. 

Some trunnel valve boxes can even be used in conjunction with other parts of an industrial system, such as an oil tank or a water pump. These types of boxes are known as ball valves, because they have a single stationary, floating part (the grunion), and two moving parts (the seals that work together to hold the trunnel in place. 

Ball valves can be used in industrial applications for a variety of different purposes, but they are best suited for those that require constant movement inside a tight enclosure. This type of valve is typically used in the production of a product where there is high pressure being applied to the product, such as oil or gas.

1 comment:

What Is a Trunnion Ball Valve?

  What Is a Trunnion Ball Valve?   The term " trunnion ball " refers to two different valves that are often combined in a single v...